In “The Godfather,” when hot-headed Sonny wanted to take an emotional and vindictive approach towards a conflict with the family’s rivals, _consigliore_ Tom Hagen famously admonishes him to remember that: “It’s not personal. It’s business.” While the Corleone family’s...
Business owners know there are consequences to every decision they make. Good strategic, operational, and financial choices can spur profits and growth. Conversely, poor business decisions can send a company on a downward spiral from which it may never recover....
In May 2014, the California Supreme Court adopted a new rule that modifies the oath new attorneys must take upon admission to the California bar. In addition to pledging to support the U.S. and California constitutions and to faithfully discharge the duties of an...
If you are a business owner with 15 or more employees, you are subject to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). One of the fundamental obligations of employers under the ADA is to provide “reasonable accommodation” for individuals with...
Henry David Thoreau once wrote: “Things do not change; we change.” I’m quite sure Thoreau was not writing about estate planning documents at the time, but he might as well have been. While we are constantly changing – jobs, relationships, homes, finances, family – the...
In October 2010, President Obama signed into law the “Plain Writing Act of 2010.” The law was the latest response to decades of complaints about the incomprehensibility of many government regulations. An Executive Order subsequently signed by the president stated that...