Informative. Insightful. Knowledgeable.

The Blog

Welcome to my blog. My goal is to provide you with valuable information on various legal topics. It’s an informational resource and should not be construed as legal advice. Every legal situation is unique. I am available to consult with you to address your specific circumstances and provide advice tailored to your needs.

All Out Litigation Rarely Makes Good Sense

All Out Litigation Rarely Makes Good Sense

A fervent belief in the correctness of one’s position, combined with a certain amount of righteous indignation, often leads to a desire to adopt a “take no prisoners” approach, eschewing efforts to a reasoned discussion.

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The Discovery Process: Why Lawsuits Take Time

The Discovery Process: Why Lawsuits Take Time

To describe discovery as a “fishing expedition” may not be far from the truth. Discovery can be complex, and the rules regarding discovery complicated, but there are generally three basic tools used to gather crucial evidence and information.

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Why Your Laptop is Not Your Lawyer

Why Your Laptop is Not Your Lawyer

You Do Not Know What You Do Not Know – Many people who thought they could save a few dollars by relying on do-it-yourself legal sites, wind up in my office with even larger and more costly problems.

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